We are excited to continue sharing our students’ perspectives on their Global Journeys this year. Today, we will be sharing a student perspective on Journeys 2021 #JourneysIdentityGlobalization21
Evie McGovern ’24 shares their reflection on and some photos from their Journeys experience.
“While this was not the Journeys trip we were expecting, I’m very grateful to my professor for doing her best to make it as immersive as possible. Our topic was “Identity, Globalization, and Social Change” and we focused on Bulgaria. Through Journeys, we were able to meet with women in Bulgaria and learn about their lives as Bulgarians and Europeans, but also to meet with people who immigrated to the US from Bulgaria and how that choice has affected their lives. It was really interesting to be able to examine the concepts of identity and globalization through both a European and American view and to see how different factors, such as Bulgaria’s recent EU membership or ongoing social change because of this, impact the way different Bulgarians feel about the country. We heard engaging stories about art and family from the people we talked to and got to learn about the incredibly rich history of Bulgaria and how its traditions are carried on today both there and in the US.”
Thank you so much for the beautiful photos and your reflection, Evie!
For Journeys Identity, Globalization, and Social Change, we had the pleasure to work with Learn from Travel and Customized Educational Programs Abroad. Please find more information about Learn from Travel and CEPA on their respective websites, linked here – Learn From Travel, CEPA